Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2012: Pugs

I want you to understand something. I am not a dog person.

So when my neighbors asked me to take care of their pug while they were in Mexico I was a bit hesitant to accept, but decided to be nice and not let their poor dog die while its owners were away.

This was the first morning I went to go take the animal out for a short walk.
When I walked in, Joey (for that is the pug's name) was so excited to see me and go outside I had to give her a few scratches behind the ears and a happy greeting.

It's a bit odd. I don't like dogs. And pugs are typically snorty, farty little guys that are a bit more... doggy than most dogs.
And yet, today I found myself genuinely liking the creature.

Sometimes I think we just need to take the time to see someone in a different light. It can change how we view them completely.

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