Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 18, 2012: Forgiving School Internet Access Systems

Lehi High School's internet access system is pretty strict. If a website has anything even resembling something like a game or any adult content or anything the school wouldn't want students to see or do, it gives you a lovely blue screen explaining that the website you are trying to open could not be accessed because it is classified as ... and then it lists, adult, games, forums, etcetera.Sometimes, though, people figure out how to sneak through that filter via google search for obscure gaming engine sites. It's sort of exciting when this happens. If you do find one, the school technicians send you a memo asking that you stay on-task and then block your internet access all together. But... For about ten minutes, it lets you play. They allow you for ten minutes of distracted enjoyment before they demand you return to your work.

I'm grateful for those sweet ten minutes of tetris.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always my favorite (no offense ASL) because they are always so thoughtful, insightful, enlightening, and all around just delightful.
    Thank you for sharing a piece of you with us. :)
