Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post 60: Snow

I stepped outside into the falling snow, and smiled.

The girl behind me, however, stepped into a world of surreal beauty, frowned, and loudly proclaimed "I hate snow!"

Why people hate snow will be something that always confuses me.

When it first covers everything you see, it's beautiful. A soft white blanket of peace. It calms troubled feelings. it's wonderful.

After it's been walked in and driven on, it's a testament to the fact that we humans are alive and moving. That we have things to do, and we keep doing them, even when driving is a little bit more difficult.

I look at freshly fallen snow, and I see beauty.
I look at snowmen and places where snow has been trampled down because of people running around, and sledding, and I know that someone had a good time.

I'm grateful for snow and all it is to me.

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